With more flexibility and lower running costs, die-less knife cutting systems represent the evolution of the die cutting. The brand name FLASHCUT identifies ATOM KNIFE CUTTING TABLE, able to combine performances, strength and maximum operator’s safety. Any production need meets its solution, choosing among EASY, SPEEDY, FASHION and TWIN MODELS
This technology has allowed ATOM to become A World Leading Supplier of CUTTING SYSTEMS for Leather, Soft and Semi Rigid Materials. ATOM offer to meet the demand of the market for innovation, with a wide range of advance and reliable solutions, from turning Arm Clickers, Travelling Head and Movable Beam Cutting Machines to CNC CUTTING SYSTEMS
ATOM provides a wide range of shapes detection, Area Quality Acquisition and Marking Systems. VISIONPLUS SERIES SYSTEM are able to acquire the contour of any hide, regardless to kind and color, as well as the quality areas of pre-marked hides, in any light condition and environment. The range includes OFF-LINE INTELLIVIEW and INTELLISCAN, as well as IN-LINE SYTEMS